I was a student at Awahono School in Greymouth and this is where I shared my learning.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Fabulous Ferns
Here is my fifth activity that I have done for the Summer Learning Journey that is called Fabulous ferns . Hope you enjoy my Google drawing on it.
Giants among us
For the Summer Learning Journey I am on the fourth activity and I am loving it so far. For this activity we had to write why we like this tree called Tāne Mahuta. Hope you enjoy my Google drawing.
Summer Learning Journey
Now for the Summer Learning Journey I am on the third activity that we need to do. For that activity we have to write in a footprint about how to be safe on a computer. Hope you enjoy my Google drawing on how to be safe on computers.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Summer Learning Journey
At the moment in room five we are doing some Summer Learning Journey activities and so here is the second one I have done. Hope you enjoy my google drawing on the second activity.
Monday, December 17, 2018
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Waiuta Camp
Last week in room five we went on a camp to Waiuta and so we had to make a slideshow on it. In this slideshow we have to put in some of the photos that were taken and explain what we are doing in the photo. Hope you enjoy my slideshow on Waiuta.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Top Teams
Last week on Friday we went to Runanga School to do Top Teams. At Top Teams we had to play all sorts of fun games and the game I liked the most would have to be o and x. Here are some photos of what we did on the day and telling you what we had to do in the game. Hope you enjoy Haylee's and my slideshow on Top Teams.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
In room five we have been reading an Infobyte about tattoos and had to do a slideshow on it. In our Infobyte we had to include the dangers of getting a tattoo and who got tattoos. Hope you enjoy Violets and my slideshow.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Descriptive Writing
This term in room five we have been learning about how to write from a picture. The picture we had to write from was this calf picture using present tense, descriptive words and organising our writing in paragraphs. Hope you enjoy my writing.
The Calves in the Paddock
I jog through a gate leading into a lush green grass paddock and start to melt because the light brown jersey calves are drowning me in their slobbery trap. I then try to shove my way through the big crowd of calves, and get free but I then hear the grass start to rustle behind me which means the calves are going to get me in their slobber trap again! Luckily they are all distracted by the calf feeder full of sweet milk and then I know that I am safe from the stampede of calves.
Then five minutes later the fat milky brown jersey calves are finished their feed of sweet white milk so they go over to the nice green grassy patch of grass and start to graze it. As I look over I can see that they have ears like elephants with fluff inside of them with a round damp wet black nose. I walk over to the jersey calves and start to stroke their soft light milky brown hair, and when I am doing that I can feel it go soft then spiky because I keep going up and down on their nice milky fur.
keep stroking the calves and then all around me I can hear sounds like the irrigator clicking, the tractor going vroom, and the calves are standing around me and trying to talk to me going “megh”.
I then start to hear my mum calling me to come home for tea so I leave the paddock and shut the gate to make sure those sneaky little calves don’t get out of the paddock

I jog through a gate leading into a lush green grass paddock and start to melt because the light brown jersey calves are drowning me in their slobbery trap. I then try to shove my way through the big crowd of calves, and get free but I then hear the grass start to rustle behind me which means the calves are going to get me in their slobber trap again! Luckily they are all distracted by the calf feeder full of sweet milk and then I know that I am safe from the stampede of calves.
Then five minutes later the fat milky brown jersey calves are finished their feed of sweet white milk so they go over to the nice green grassy patch of grass and start to graze it. As I look over I can see that they have ears like elephants with fluff inside of them with a round damp wet black nose. I walk over to the jersey calves and start to stroke their soft light milky brown hair, and when I am doing that I can feel it go soft then spiky because I keep going up and down on their nice milky fur.
keep stroking the calves and then all around me I can hear sounds like the irrigator clicking, the tractor going vroom, and the calves are standing around me and trying to talk to me going “megh”.
I then start to hear my mum calling me to come home for tea so I leave the paddock and shut the gate to make sure those sneaky little calves don’t get out of the paddock
Friday, November 9, 2018
Maths DLO
At the moment in the maths group Lyra we have been learning about number patterns and so we had to put it into a slideshow so we could show people what number patterns are. Here is Violet and my Maths DLO on number patterns.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
My Reading Profile
At the moment in room five we have been doing our Reading Profiles on the book we have been reading and the book that I have been reading is Paper Planes. Hope you enjoy my Reading Profile on the book Paper Planes.
Pet Day
About two weeks ago we had a school pet day where everyone brought their own pet and had to show it to the judges and talk about how they look after their pet. On our slideshow we have got our three pieces of writing that we did for our poster and so we have got to put them onto a slideshow to put on our blog. The three pieces of writing we did was How I look after my pet, Description of our pet and Persuasive writing. Hope you enjoy Sophie's and my slideshow.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Chair Decoration
Last week we were with Mrs Elam decorating some boring old wooden chairs and upcycling them to a piece of art. The things we had to use to create our chairs were some P V A glue and some magazines to make a background and if we wanted to we could put a big picture of the theme we wanted to use. The last thing we had to put over our chair was this special glue called Modpodge. We put the Modpodge on because we needed our pieces of magazine to stick down better so when someone sits down on the chair the pieces of magazine won't fall off. The one thing our group would do differently next time would be to not rush it so we would have a much cleaner chair because there were some pieces of magazine with to much glue so it would turn soggy. The thing I loved about our group chair is that it has got some cool pictures of hunting on it.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Holiday maths
In the spring holidays the whole school had to do a maths challenge. What we had to do was make a slideshow on what we did in the holidays for maths and put it onto our blogs. Here is my slideshow of what I did in the holidays for maths.
Holiday reading challenge
In the spring holidays the whole school had a reading challenge to do so we had to read some books. After we had read a book we would have to make a google drawing on how the character was feeling and where we found the sentence and what the book was called. Here is my google drawing.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
"Ar" sounds
In room five we have been learning about the "Ar" sounds and so we have had to make a slideshow on it. The things we have had to put in our slideshow are sentences with some "Ar" words, along with some words that have the "Ar" spelling in them. Here is our spelling slide. Hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Plastic collage
The reasons why we made these collages was because we want to show people what plastic does to the environment and how it harms the creatures that live around us. The first thing that came into our head was the sea because the sea animals are suffering from the plastic that goes into the sea and are dying from it. We want to show people what we are doing to the creatures in the sea and why they are dying. We got to work on making our plastic collages.
First of all we had to rip up magazines and stick them on a big piece of paper with pva glue. But we would have to make sure that we had a variety of the one colour so it was just the one colour. Then we made some sea animals and then put the plastic of our choice over our animals.
Some of the problems we had with making the collage was ripping up the right colour and finding the colour we needed. Another problem was trying to get them done in time so we could show them to the whole school. Some easy parts for making the collage was making the sea animals and sticking down the ripped up paper.
Haylee and Tahlia
Haylee and Tahlia
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Persuasive letter
At the moment in room five we have been learning how to write a persuasive piece of writing and about plastic. So, one day we looked around the classroom and saw that we had some plastic bin liners. We then thought we shouldn't be having plastic bin liners because we are writing to encourage people to stop plastic and we even have some in our class. We then decided to write a letter to Mrs Wallace the principal about the plastic bin liners. So this is my persuasive letter about why we shouldn't have plastic bin liners.
10th September 2018
Dear Mrs Wallace,
I have to inform you about the plastic bin liners problem that is happening around the school because we are having to use two thousand a year. Isn’t that a lot of plastic bin liners? I strongly believe we should not be using plastic bin liners So here are my three good reasons why we shouldn’t be using them.
Firstly, I strongly believe we should not be using plastic bin liners because we are throwing them out every day so that is just some money washed down the drain that could be used for more valuable things in the school. For example we are using ten plastic bags a day, then we are using fifty bags a week, then in a term we are buying five hundred! If you were to add that all up together it would be two thousand a year! We could be doing it some other way, couldn’t we? We are going through a lot of money.
Secondly, I firmly believe we should not be using plastic bin liners because we are polluting the environment by throwing them out just after we use them. When we are finished with using our plastic bin liners we put them in another plastic bag, which might just end up in the landfill. It will be polluting the environment because it won’t break down and go into the ground, so it will just stay there for thousands of years.
Finally, I believe that if we do use plastic bin liners it will just be a waste of resources. All we put in them is dry rubbish like paper and fabric materials that we use in class which won’t stain the bin and make the bin smelly. For example, our bin in room five has only had dry rubbish put in it and nothing else because we don’t want our class to have a bad smell. So we don’t even need a plastic bin liner.
In conclusion, this is why we don’t need plastic bags in our school because we are wasting money and are using too many each year. They are polluting the environment and we only put dry materials in them. So this is why we don’t need plastic bin liners in our school and hopefully we will never need them again.
Yours sincerely,
10th September 2018
Dear Mrs Wallace,
I have to inform you about the plastic bin liners problem that is happening around the school because we are having to use two thousand a year. Isn’t that a lot of plastic bin liners? I strongly believe we should not be using plastic bin liners So here are my three good reasons why we shouldn’t be using them.
Firstly, I strongly believe we should not be using plastic bin liners because we are throwing them out every day so that is just some money washed down the drain that could be used for more valuable things in the school. For example we are using ten plastic bags a day, then we are using fifty bags a week, then in a term we are buying five hundred! If you were to add that all up together it would be two thousand a year! We could be doing it some other way, couldn’t we? We are going through a lot of money.
Secondly, I firmly believe we should not be using plastic bin liners because we are polluting the environment by throwing them out just after we use them. When we are finished with using our plastic bin liners we put them in another plastic bag, which might just end up in the landfill. It will be polluting the environment because it won’t break down and go into the ground, so it will just stay there for thousands of years.
Finally, I believe that if we do use plastic bin liners it will just be a waste of resources. All we put in them is dry rubbish like paper and fabric materials that we use in class which won’t stain the bin and make the bin smelly. For example, our bin in room five has only had dry rubbish put in it and nothing else because we don’t want our class to have a bad smell. So we don’t even need a plastic bin liner.
In conclusion, this is why we don’t need plastic bags in our school because we are wasting money and are using too many each year. They are polluting the environment and we only put dry materials in them. So this is why we don’t need plastic bin liners in our school and hopefully we will never need them again.
Yours sincerely,
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
El Gregoe
Yesterday room five joined up with the rest of the school and we had a magician and ventriloquist come to our school called El Gregoe. He came to our school because he wanted to teach us about bullying and how to stop it. What he did was get out an eight foot ladder and start to put five words on it to show us how to get a bully to go away. The words he put on there were Respect, Responsible, Helpful, Trustworthy and Caring which are the words that can stop bullying at your school. Another thing he showed us was WITS, which stands for walk away, ignore, talk and stop.This is another way you can get away from a bully. The things I enjoyed when El Gregoe came were the bird tricks and when he put his hand through a thick piece of glass, that was amazing. Something I learned when El Gregoe came was how to stop bullying and move on. So here are some photos of when El Gregoe came.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Line Symmetry
At the moment in room five we have been learning about two dimensional shapes and so we have had to do a Screencastify on it. We have had to add in our Screencastify some shapes we have been learning about and talk about them and also why they are called this shape. So here is a Screencastify on two dimensional that me, Haylee and Amelia have made. Hope you enjoy it.
In room five we have been learning how to describe this picture of this little turtle stuck in this net. We have had to describe about the turtle and what will happen next and in our writing we have had to of used present tense, our senses and extend our sentences by adding more detail. So here is my writing called Trapped.
As tears run down my face I can see a dark green turtle struggling to get free from a slimy green net, huddled away in beside a big rock on the sandy seashore. What do I do? I say to myself in sadness. Do I set it free? Or is this just the end of the turtles life? Then I think to myself, I need to save this poor turtles life because it deserves to stay alive. Because it is a living creature just like us.
I feel angry and disgusted about this net wrapped around this little turtle who deserves to be free and in the water. We have tried to ban plastic but it just keeps on coming in and is taking over our lives. What are we going to do? Well, anyway I keep trying to get this little turtle free from this slimy green net and then I rip through it until the turtle is set free and it goes back in the nice water.
Then I think because of what has happened to this turtle being stuck in a net over night we should do something about it and do a big beach clean up so this doesn’t happen again and even if we just clean up the beach it will still make a big change to the world and to the sea creatures.
As tears run down my face I can see a dark green turtle struggling to get free from a slimy green net, huddled away in beside a big rock on the sandy seashore. What do I do? I say to myself in sadness. Do I set it free? Or is this just the end of the turtles life? Then I think to myself, I need to save this poor turtles life because it deserves to stay alive. Because it is a living creature just like us.
I feel angry and disgusted about this net wrapped around this little turtle who deserves to be free and in the water. We have tried to ban plastic but it just keeps on coming in and is taking over our lives. What are we going to do? Well, anyway I keep trying to get this little turtle free from this slimy green net and then I rip through it until the turtle is set free and it goes back in the nice water.

Thursday, August 30, 2018
The Mountain of Plastic
At the moment in room five we have been writing about plastic pollution because we want it to stop. We have chosen this picture to write about and we have had to use present tense, our senses and we also need to extend our sentences by adding more detail, in order to have a successful piece of writing. Here is my writing about the Plastic Mountain. Hope you enjoy my piece of writing.
As I gaze over the bridge I see mountains of green and transparent plastic bottles with labels covered all over the ground ready for me to sort out.
I then start to work. I feel like I am about to swim in a sea of plastic bottles and then I push through the bottles and sniff up a whiff of rubbery fumes from the cars that come past along with some of the bottles. Then I start to smell sugary sickening smells coming from bottles that still have a little fizzy drink in them.
As I am cutting off the labels I look out over the plastic mountain and see sights of baskets, plastic and more plastic smothered with dirt and then look over my shoulder and see my mum coming and I stop daydreaming and get back to work.
We are then half way through the day and I am already getting tired and fed up because of all the plastic coming in and all of the work I have to do to get rid of it. I then throw a bottle into the basket and it doesn’t go in. I then pick it up and get all of my anger out by squeezing the bottle and then I lie down and take a rest from all of this madness.
I am putting a bottle in the white crinkly sack and as I am doing that I hear the sound of crunching and rustling noises under my feet. I am getting more annoyed about all of the plastic we have to sort out. I just wish we were out there playing with the other kids but we can’t because we need the money for us to survive.
So I carry on this hard work and think to myself as I am doing this will plastic ever be banned forever or will our lives be full of plastic and we never get a rest from this madness? But one thing I know for sure is that I will always be doing something to survive
As I gaze over the bridge I see mountains of green and transparent plastic bottles with labels covered all over the ground ready for me to sort out.
I then start to work. I feel like I am about to swim in a sea of plastic bottles and then I push through the bottles and sniff up a whiff of rubbery fumes from the cars that come past along with some of the bottles. Then I start to smell sugary sickening smells coming from bottles that still have a little fizzy drink in them.
As I am cutting off the labels I look out over the plastic mountain and see sights of baskets, plastic and more plastic smothered with dirt and then look over my shoulder and see my mum coming and I stop daydreaming and get back to work.
We are then half way through the day and I am already getting tired and fed up because of all the plastic coming in and all of the work I have to do to get rid of it. I then throw a bottle into the basket and it doesn’t go in. I then pick it up and get all of my anger out by squeezing the bottle and then I lie down and take a rest from all of this madness.
I am putting a bottle in the white crinkly sack and as I am doing that I hear the sound of crunching and rustling noises under my feet. I am getting more annoyed about all of the plastic we have to sort out. I just wish we were out there playing with the other kids but we can’t because we need the money for us to survive.
So I carry on this hard work and think to myself as I am doing this will plastic ever be banned forever or will our lives be full of plastic and we never get a rest from this madness? But one thing I know for sure is that I will always be doing something to survive
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
When the Author Jenny Sommervell came to school.
Yesterday in room five we had the author Jenny Sommervell come to our school to share with us her story of how she became an author. The information that Jenny shared with us was how she got the ideas for her stories and who illustrated her books. Some of the books that Jenny has writen are, The Day Dad Blew Up The Cowshed, The Eel Hunt and The New Old Truck . She is working on a new one now about her uncle's stinky leg. Here is a photo about the author when she came.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Plastic Invasion
At the moment in room five we have been writing about plastic and what plastic is made out of so we have had to describe the Plastic Toy Shop. In our writing we have had to put in present tense , use my senses, precise nouns and adjectives so that we have a successful piece of writing. So we wanted to write about plastic because we want it to stop because it is having a big impact on the environment. So here is my writing about the plastic toy shop.
Plastic Invasion
I creep into the plastic kingdom and feel a pop of neon coloured toys surrounding me in every step I take. The sounds of faded whispers at the back of the shop with the clicking of the keys from the keyboard are getting on my nerves.
Plastic, it’s everywhere! As I walk some more and glance up a crowd of yellow ducks are invading the shelves from top to bottom and hanging on the wall beside me are swarms of plastic guns with more and more toys everywhere.
I then sniff up a whiff of rubber toys and start to go dizzy but then recover and step in the middle of the neon coloured toys and then look behind me and see an employee trying to convince me that plastic is good but I refuse to even touch one then all of the plastic collapses on top of me and it is like swimming in a sea of plastic I can no longer get out of the shop I feel disgusted about all of this plastic. It needs to stop! So let’s get to work.
Plastic Invasion
I creep into the plastic kingdom and feel a pop of neon coloured toys surrounding me in every step I take. The sounds of faded whispers at the back of the shop with the clicking of the keys from the keyboard are getting on my nerves.
Plastic, it’s everywhere! As I walk some more and glance up a crowd of yellow ducks are invading the shelves from top to bottom and hanging on the wall beside me are swarms of plastic guns with more and more toys everywhere.
I then sniff up a whiff of rubber toys and start to go dizzy but then recover and step in the middle of the neon coloured toys and then look behind me and see an employee trying to convince me that plastic is good but I refuse to even touch one then all of the plastic collapses on top of me and it is like swimming in a sea of plastic I can no longer get out of the shop I feel disgusted about all of this plastic. It needs to stop! So let’s get to work.
Friday, August 10, 2018
Showing Sentences
At the moment in room five we have been writing some showing sentences not telling sentences . What we had to do was pick out one we liked and write about it and I have picked The sea was rough and we would have to show the meaning of the sentences and not tell it that's why we have done a sentence about it because, The sea was rough is a telling sentence not showing . So here is my showing sentence. Hope you enjoy.
The sea was rough.
The dark gloomy grey waves crashed angrily into the rocks with a big dark black cloud whirling along in the evening sky with a boat crashing along the dark grey waves sinking deeper into the water.
The sea was rough.
The dark gloomy grey waves crashed angrily into the rocks with a big dark black cloud whirling along in the evening sky with a boat crashing along the dark grey waves sinking deeper into the water.
Thursday, August 9, 2018
How to solve Batman's problem
At the moment in room five we have been doing a Storybyte on Batman and what we had to do about him was solve his problem of him not wanting to fight crime at night and just stay at home. So here is my solution of fixing Batman's problem. Hope you enjoy.
Line of Symmetry
On Friday in room five were doing some line symmetry for our maths. What we had to do was get a piece of paper and fold it in half and then get a ruler and draw a shape with it and then cut it out. When it is cut out it will have a line through the middle of it and that is the line of symmetry and that halves it, and then we would draw a line with a pencil through the line of symmetry to show were it is. The sided shapes that we made were three sided shapes, four sided shapes and more than that. So here is one that Haylee, Zoe I have made. Hope you enjoy.
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Reading Profile
At the moment in room five we have been making a reading profile on the book that we have been reading and other books that we have tried to read instead of the one we have been reading at the moment. The book in was reading was the Island of Lost Horses and it was very good. So here is one i have created myself.
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
At the moment in room five we have been making a Reading Profile. What we had to put in it was what book we were reading and I am reading the Island of Lost Horses, and the book we have been recommended to read and also our goals we are working on this term. So here is my Reading Profile I have created myself.
Friday, July 27, 2018
Fraction Art
Monday, July 23, 2018
Holiday reading
This School holiday we have had to of done a reading challenge . We had to write down the sentence and the page number to descpribe the setting of were the were and what they are doing. So here is one I have down my self of the book I read.
Friday, July 6, 2018
Spelling Slide show
Today me and Solly did a screencastify on our spelling slide DLO. We had to explain the long "a" and short "a" sounds and the different spellings you can make with them. Here is our screencastify we have created.
Reading Plus progress
Today me,Angus and Rawiri made a Screencastify about our Reading Plus progress and how we are going on it and here is one we have created.
Friday, June 29, 2018
At the moment in room five we have been writing about the school cat
Sid and describing what he does and where he goes so here is what I have written about him. Hope you enjoy my writing about Sid.
Sid and describing what he does and where he goes so here is what I have written about him. Hope you enjoy my writing about Sid.
“Purr!” What is that sound? As I look beside me I can see a black and white smudged cat with beady swampy green eyes looking at me. What a surprise.
Sid is a cat that likes to come and visit school and hang around until the end of the day. Sid the cat is always hanging around and wanting food from school and other people who live close to school.
Sid is quite a special cat because his name is from a book called Six Dinner Sid. The book is about a cat who gets six dinners from six houses and we think Sid might be the same, which relates to the book.
I love Sid because he is a friendly cat with soft fur and he is nice to hang around with and is cute and cuddly to hold.
Sid is a very cheeky cat though because he is sometimes trying to get into the classrooms when no one is looking. He loves to sit on your lap when he gets the chance to. Also he likes to sit in the nice sun on the hay bales. He is sometimes spotted in the orchard up the trees and walking around the school.
Sid loves to demand more and more food from the teachers and he won’t stop until he has something to eat but Mrs Whitmore has him topped up with his cat biscuits sometimes.
Sid is a very nice cat but sometimes he is up to mischief so you need to keep an eye out for that cheeky Sid.
Life on Pukapuka
At the moment we have been reading an infobyte about Pukapuka and have had to do a slide
show about it so here is one I have created myself.
show about it so here is one I have created myself.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
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