Friday, July 27, 2018

Fraction Art

Today in room five we have been doing some maths-art with fractions. So we had to cut out a circle and cut it into a half, quarters , eighths or sixteenths and then try to make some under water sea creatures out of our fractions. So here is one I have created.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Holiday reading

This School holiday we have had to of done a reading challenge . We had to write down the sentence and the page number to descpribe the setting of were the were and what they are doing. So here is one I have down my self of the book I read.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Spelling Slide show

Today me and Solly did a screencastify on our spelling slide DLO. We had to explain the long "a" and short "a" sounds and the different spellings  you can make with them. Here is our screencastify we have created.

Reading Plus progress

Today me,Angus and Rawiri  made a Screencastify  about our Reading Plus progress and how we are going on it and here is one we have created.