I was a student at Awahono School in Greymouth and this is where I shared my learning.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
activity 10
I am onto my tenth activity and for this one we had to watch two video on Serena and Venus Williams. While I am watching them I have to think of three things I learnt from this video and one thing I would still like to know. Here is my goggle drawing on three thing I learnt from these videos.
Monday, December 23, 2019
activity 9
I am going onto my ninth activity for the summer learning journey for this holiday.For this activity we had to get a friend or family member to say what their dream job is, I choose my sister Isla, then you had to think of six was you can help them. Here is my goggle drawing of how I can help my sister get here dream job.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
activity 8
Now I am onto my eighth activity for the holidays. For this activity we had to see if we wanted to interview LeBron James or Steven Adams then think up five questions we could ask one of them. I choose Steven Adams. Hope you enjoy my goggle drawing on what questions I would ask Stevens Adams.
Friday, December 20, 2019
activity 7
This is the seventh activity for this holiday. For this activity we had to think up three superpowers we would love to have, reasons why, and how we would you use them. Here is the three superpowers I would have. Hope you enjoy.
activity 6
For the sixth activity for the summer learning journey I had to say when myself or someone I know did something really brave. Here is my google drawing about when there was a time I did something brave. Hope you enjoy.
activity 5
Now I am on to my fifth activity, and for this one we had think that we were on the journey to the moon like Neil Armstrong and write a poem about it. Hope you enjoy my poem.
activity 4
This is my fourth activity for the summer learning journey and I am loving it. For this activity we had to think up three thing these two women had in common and three things they didn't have in common. Here is my goggle drawing on Amelia Earhart and Jean Batten.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
activity 3
The next activity I have done for the summer learning journey was, choose a charity and write about what they do. As you can see I have chosen the SPCA because I love animals. Hope you enjoy my goggle drawing about the SPCA.
activity 2
Now I am on to my second activity for the summer learning journey. For this activity I had to talk about my family background and what happened. Here is my family history. Hope you enjoy.
activity 1
For the holidays I am doing the summer learning journey and this is the first activity I am posting on my blog. For this activity we had to think about ten things we would bring with us if we were to go on a three week trip with Nainoa. Here is my ten things I would bring with me.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
how to use a gas cooker
In Room Six before we went to school camp we had to write up how to use a gas cooker safety because we were going to be using one to cook on. As a result of creating these instructions we were all able to use a gas cooker safely on camp. Hopefully you will take on these safety rules if you are using a gas cooker is well.
camp activity list
In Room Six we went to Murchison for our school camp in term 4. Before we left we had to research three things we were doing on camp. We then had to make it into a slideshow. Here is my slideshow hope you enjoy.
Monday, November 18, 2019
camp highlights
In Room Six we went on a school camp to Murchison in term four. When we got back we had to explain what our camp highlights were and put them on a slideshow. We also put what we did on some days. We then shared this in assembly. Hope you enjoy mine and Leah's slideshow.
Friday, November 15, 2019
white water rafting
Last week we went on camp to Murchison. One of the activities we did there was white water rafting at Ultimate Descents. When we got back we had to write up an add about on of the activities and I choose white water rafting. Here is my advert for white water rafting.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Text message to pet
At the moment in room six we have been getting our pet projects ready for pet day which is right around the corner. We had to do this activity where we were pretending to text our pet about what ever we want and I choose to do my about pet day. The pet I am bringing is my calf Inka. Here is my text message hope you enjoy.
Friday, June 28, 2019
Ordering Fractions
At the moment in my maths group we have been learning about ordering fractions and had to make a DLO about it. Hope this teaches you a lot about ordering fractions. Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Mihi video
At the moment in room six we have been writing mihi's and then we had to do a video of us saying our mihi's. In the mihi we have a background of what we are talking about and how we say it. Hope you enjoy.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Holiday reading challenge
At the moment it is the holidays and we have been assigned to make a google drawing about the book we have been reading. What we had to add in this google drawing was the Authors name, A brief description about the book,and say why this book grabbed your attention. Here is my google drawing hope you enjoy.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Anzac poem
At the moment in room five we are learning about Anzac Day so we decided to make some poems about it and use this photo to guide us . Here is my poem I have wrote.

The ground I rest my feet on is hard and solid I then feel it shake I know we are under attack,
as it is happening I can hear my mum saying goodbye and this might just be my last time I can hear her sweet voice call out to me.
I then fire to save myself, but it’s too late because I find myself lying on the solid ground, where the poppies
it’s now the end so I must go,
You will remember me as I stay in your hearts
Lest you forget, remember me.

The ground I rest my feet on is hard and solid I then feel it shake I know we are under attack,
as it is happening I can hear my mum saying goodbye and this might just be my last time I can hear her sweet voice call out to me.
I then fire to save myself, but it’s too late because I find myself lying on the solid ground, where the poppies
it’s now the end so I must go,
You will remember me as I stay in your hearts
Lest you forget, remember me.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
At the moment in room five we have been designing our dream zoo and had to make a diorama about it. Here is a screencastify that I made on my diorama.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Rabbit obstacle course
At the moment in Room Five we have two rabbits that have came into our classroom for us to make some courses for them. We got into groups to make these courses and in my group I had Sophie, and Solly. We made a food court, jumps, and a tunnel to go through. Here is our course, hope you enjoy.
Thursday, February 28, 2019
opinion writing
At the moment in room five we are learning about opinion writing. We watched the news about a gorilla being shot and we had to say if it should of been shot or it shouldn't of been shot I said he shouldn't of been shot. Here is my opinion writing hope you enjoy.
In My Opinion?
By Tahlia
Did you know that gorillas are endangered? I believe that the silverback gorilla at Cincinnati Zoo shouldn’t have been shot just because the boy crawled into the gorilla exhibit.
I firmly believe, that the gorilla shouldn’t of been shot because they are endangered. For example there are only 790 silverback gorillas left in the world which means they are dying out pretty quickly. A tranquilizer gun would of been much more better than shooting the gorilla.
Secondly I believe, the gorilla shouldn’t have been shot because the gorilla could of landed on the boy and crushed him. For example he weighs 400 pounds which is 200 kg! And that definitely would crushed the boy or suffocated him.
Thirdly I think, that the gorilla shouldn’t of been shot because it is animal cruelty. For example somebody could of distracted the gorilla and somebody else could of saved the boy. Also it wasn’t the gorillas fault the boy crawled into his exhibit so why shoot the gorilla.
Lastly I think, that the gorilla shouldn’t of been shot because the parents should of been looking after their child. For example if you were at the zoo with your child would you just let your child walk around without you there? Incase something happens,I wouldn’t! I would have a pram their just incase the same thing happens.
In conclusion, I think that they shouldn’t of shot the gorilla just because a four year old boy crawled into the exhibit, and because he could of fallen on the boy. Also they could of distracted the gorilla while they saved the boy, and the parents should of been looking after the child. So now that I have told you my reasons why they shouldn’t of shot the gorilla, what do you think?
In My Opinion?
By Tahlia
Did you know that gorillas are endangered? I believe that the silverback gorilla at Cincinnati Zoo shouldn’t have been shot just because the boy crawled into the gorilla exhibit.
I firmly believe, that the gorilla shouldn’t of been shot because they are endangered. For example there are only 790 silverback gorillas left in the world which means they are dying out pretty quickly. A tranquilizer gun would of been much more better than shooting the gorilla.
Secondly I believe, the gorilla shouldn’t have been shot because the gorilla could of landed on the boy and crushed him. For example he weighs 400 pounds which is 200 kg! And that definitely would crushed the boy or suffocated him.
Thirdly I think, that the gorilla shouldn’t of been shot because it is animal cruelty. For example somebody could of distracted the gorilla and somebody else could of saved the boy. Also it wasn’t the gorillas fault the boy crawled into his exhibit so why shoot the gorilla.
Lastly I think, that the gorilla shouldn’t of been shot because the parents should of been looking after their child. For example if you were at the zoo with your child would you just let your child walk around without you there? Incase something happens,I wouldn’t! I would have a pram their just incase the same thing happens.
In conclusion, I think that they shouldn’t of shot the gorilla just because a four year old boy crawled into the exhibit, and because he could of fallen on the boy. Also they could of distracted the gorilla while they saved the boy, and the parents should of been looking after the child. So now that I have told you my reasons why they shouldn’t of shot the gorilla, what do you think?
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Gorilla slideshow
At the moment in room five our topic for this term is gorillas . We had to find interesting facts about gorillas and put it into a slideshow. So here is my slideshow on gorillas.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
In room five we are learning about being Cybersmart. We made a document about being Cybersmart. Here is my Cybersmart document hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
fruit bursts graph
we have been learning about statistics in room five. Here is a pictograph that my group has down.
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