Thursday, February 28, 2019

opinion writing

At the moment in room five we are learning about opinion writing. We watched the news about a gorilla being shot and we had to say if it should of been shot or it shouldn't of been shot I said he shouldn't of been shot. Here is my opinion writing hope you enjoy. 

In My Opinion?
By Tahlia

Did you know that gorillas are endangered? I believe that the silverback gorilla at Cincinnati Zoo shouldn’t have been shot just because the boy crawled into the gorilla exhibit.  

I firmly believe, that the gorilla shouldn’t of been shot because they are endangered. For example there are only 790 silverback gorillas left in the world which means they are dying out pretty quickly. A tranquilizer gun would of been much more better than shooting the gorilla. 

Secondly I believe, the gorilla shouldn’t have been shot because the gorilla could of landed on the boy and crushed him. For example he weighs 400 pounds which is 200 kg! And that definitely would crushed the boy or suffocated him.   

Thirdly I think, that the gorilla shouldn’t of been shot because it is animal cruelty. For example somebody could of distracted the gorilla and somebody else could of saved the boy. Also it wasn’t the gorillas fault the boy crawled into his exhibit so why shoot the gorilla.  

Lastly I think, that the gorilla shouldn’t of been shot because the parents should of been looking after their child. For example if you were at the zoo with your child would you just let your child walk around without you there?  Incase something happens,I wouldn’t!  I would have a pram their just incase the same thing happens. 

In conclusion, I think that they shouldn’t of shot the gorilla just because a four year old boy crawled into the exhibit, and because he could of fallen on the boy. Also they could of distracted the gorilla while they saved the boy, and the parents should of been looking after the child. So now that I have told you my reasons why they shouldn’t of shot the gorilla, what do you think? 

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